POV-Ray, or Persistance of Vision Raytrace, is a freeware raytracing package available for download. Raytracing is simply the simulation of light-rays being projected into an object. The light rays incident on object surfaces are captured by a 'camera' in the same fashion that photographic plates are made. The result: really neato-fantastic, photo-realistic, 3-d images.
A Study of M.C. Escher's Relativity
Recall that loopy artist Maurits Cornelius Escher and his loopy false perspective art? Here's an attempt to take one of his more conservative pieces and render it into a POV scene.
This is one of my greater undertakings with POV-Ray. There are literally hundreds of independent objects and CSG's in this scene. Added with atmospheric effects, it takes almost an hour to render a decently-sized image. Displayed here are several stages of development.